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About us

Let Childhood Be The Right Of Every Child, Everywhere… With this dream and vision, we have formed the Early Childhood Association of India (ECA).
ECA is a national body registered in April 2011 in Mumbai with the intention of bringing together professionals in the field of early childhood education in the interest of the young child. This association has 48 territories all over India. We are a nonprofit Association (MRM-1082. 2011-G.B.B.S.D.)

What is

The Early Childhood Association (ECA) is that one stop connection needed by all for the enrichment, networking, awareness, and advocacy of childhood and everything that affects it. ECA aims to help professionals, teachers, people who deal with children through their work in balwadis, daycare centers, rural crèches, teacher training colleges, and entrepreneurial network (basically anyone who contributes directly or indirectly to the caring of a child) and be able to provide them with resources of every sort. This could range from information, latest research, training and ideas, and perhaps solutions and counseling.
APER- Association for Primary Education and Research (APER), is a body created by the Early Childhood Association to ensure that care and education of children from 6 to 10 years have a common goal, a smooth transition and ensures life long success for all children. APER aims to bring together all stakeholders involved in the education of children from 6 to 10 years. Learning, researching, reflecting and leading is our motto and our goal is to ensure that every primary school teacher in our country gets access to the latest research, training, and publications that will help them create classrooms where children learn in a stress-free environment created with the best from local and global education practices. We work to encourage research and reflective study in primary education and want our primary education to be stress-free and have a smooth transition for children from early years to primary years in school.

What is

welcome to our world
passionate. committed.

ECA and APER have brought together preschool, kindergarten, primary teachers & administrators, caregivers, program directors, and individuals working with & for families, to promote quality care and education for young children. Our 48000+ members include child care facilities, Early Childhood Educators and Child Care Assistants employed in child care centers, Family Child Care Providers, Parents, Doctors, and professionals who share an interest in high quality early learning and care. Our memberships range from School members, individual members, parent members, Patron Principals, Corporate members, NGO members, and advisory members.

what is
our vision

The Early Childhood Association is set up with the vision that all the preschools, balwadis, NGOs, children’s activity classes, parents, student teachers, media houses, companies that deal with children’s products, in short everyone connected to young children can all come together to advocate, discuss, learn and share, connect and bring about a change in the quality of care development and learning in early childhood in India.

what is
our mission

To empower parents, teachers and others to explore and develop holistic programs and environments for children that will look after their well-being, relationships, family and community and thus help each and every child grow up in a healthy mind, body and spirit.

what is
our goal

Is advocacy for “stress-free childhood years”, after all this is the right of every child. We want to touch the lives of all those who affect the lives and learning of children – be it teachers, parents, policymakers, entrepreneurs, media.

early childhood association is a registered organization with three levels

this initiative needs like-minded people like you to come together in an endeavour to make it a success!

Changes in Education are not going to happen overnight, we are looking at big changes, revolutionary changes – and we are still taking baby steps. If we can learn anything from children, it’s that baby steps can make a big difference, if they are in the right direction. Do support our work by becoming a member of ECA and APER, let us invest in our children.

array of
eca + aper programs