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Transition from Kindergarten to Primary Years (e-booklet)

Researched and Compiled by:

Dr. Kamini Prakash Rege

Edited by:

Dr. Swati Popat Vats


A Preparatory class or Balavatika is required for anganwadi children when they move into grade one of the government schools. But ‘preparatory’ is also required by private school children moving from preschools to primary schools. Usually, we focus on getting children ‘school’ ready- school readiness, but it is important to move away from readying children for school and instead focus on the transition and its related changes and emotions to help children settle in the new primary school environment.

This booklet is compiled to help anganwadis and private schools focus on the transition from preschool to primary school so that children are better equipped for the changes and are not overwhelmed about the change.