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Traditional Indian Games


compiled by Pervin Rustom Watchmaker


Children today are cooped up at home in front of screens, for them games are ‘video games’ and the concept of play is ‘play station’! Most of us grew up playing traditional games like ‘sakli’, ‘thappa’, ‘lagori’, ‘gilli danda’ and more. These games helped us understand about rules, collaboration, and resilience of winning or losing, they helped us gain so many life skills. Playing traditional games have always brought children together encouraging teamwork and social interaction.

At ECA-APER we decided that it’s time we gave our children the best of both worlds- Screens and traditional games. How about playing ten minutes every day with children at home or in schools and helping them enjoy these timeless traditional games. It is equally important to teach our kids about our culture and tradition as it is to teach them new age concepts. It is vital that they know their roots and have a sense of pride about it.

This book compiled by Pervin Watchmaker, will help children, teachers and parents revisit some of our forgotten but loved traditional games. The book is simple to read and each game is given with its traditional name and new age version, how to play and also enumerates the benefits of playing the games.