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Early Childhood Education and Development – Parikrama

Key contributions from Dr. Kamini Rege, Ms. Malti Arunachalam, Dr. Swati Popat Vats, Ms. Asha Varma, Dr. Anita Madan, Dr. Reeta Sonawat, Dr. Sudha Rao, Dr. Samir Dalwai, Dr. Swaroop Sampat Rawal, Dr. Subhadara Mandalika and Dr Mithu Alur Edited by: Dr. Reeta Sonawat, Dr. Kamini Rege & Dr. Swati Popat Vats


About this book

Early Childhood Education and Development – Parikrama, the full circle of learning takes a look at key areas that early childhood teachers need to be aware of in their professional development. Each chapter focuses on a particular area of knowledge and supports the developing awareness of our future professional teachers and leaders. The book content offers viewpoints on learning for early childhood students and teachers. It focuses on aspects of child development to understand the importance of the part they play in the whole child. It explores aspects of the curriculum to consider areas of children’s knowledge development and the importance imaginative play has in children’s learning. Children’s wellbeing is addressed through topics of health, nutrition, safety, and security, balanced by the key place relationships, community, and family play in a child’s life. The publication’s audience is teachers – areas of child assessment considerations and the impact of teacher training are addressed.